Cup Sweep

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the maximum number of entrants?

Each competition has a maximum amount of entries of 12,000. If you have a larger database than that, they will have to be run as separate competitions – call our Helpdesk on 1300 89 49 84. 

Can I have multiple competitions?

Absolutely – that's the beauty of CupSweep. You could for example, organise multiple competitions for your entire organisation, and also run competitions sectioned off by department. In order to do this, you will need to purchase an additional package for each competition you wish to run. 

Please note, The CupSweep system ensures that you can only have one free competition. If you’re still unclear, don't be shy – call our call our Helpdesk on 1300 89 49 084 and we'll be happy to explain further.

What is a Trifecta?

A Trifecta system means picking not only the correct 1st place winner of the Melbourne Cup, but also the 2nd and 3rd place winners (in the correct order). assigns a trifecta pick of three horses (by horse number) for each entrant ticket.

For example, an entrant may get a ticket of horse #7 in 1st place, #13 in 2nd place, and #21 in 3rd place. If the winners of the Melbourne cup are #7, #13, and #21 (in that order), then that entrant will win the cup sweep! The entrant with the trifecta pick closest to the race results wins the cup sweep, and our algorithms only allow for one winner. The winner is chosen with priority placed on correctly selecting the 1st place race winner.

Why does CupSweep operate only on a Trifecta?

If you only want 1 winner (and a few runners-up), a Trifecta is perfect for you! As each entrant receives a unique set of three numbers, you will only ever have one person winning each position of first, second and third place.

Does CupSweep consider a 'box' trifecta?

No, not this year!

What happens if no-one gets the exact winning result?

Because a trifecta competition has 12,144 possible combinations, if you have a competition with a smaller number of entrants, it's possible that no one will score the winning combo. But hey, this is and someone has to win! We've got an algorithm (ask your IT guy what that means) to work out who is the closest to the winning result, so there's always a winner.

Are cup sweeps legal within an office?

Yes, of course they are. Tell that over officious dude in legal department to take a chill pill. Being very clear and transparent with your entrants is the best policy. If your total prize value is over $ 5,000 in Victoria or $20,000 in NSW (wow, that a generous boss!) you are required by law to get some proper permits

How will winners be notified?

Once the race is over, will go into 'Shutdown' mode, and it will provide the administrator with a list of winners. It's up to you, the administrator, to let the winners know that they’ve won!

Can I run different configurations of sweeps?

CupSweep has been developed and designed to simply run a trifecta number selection system only. Custom configurations are not possible.

Why won’t CupSweep accept my competition name?

The name may be already taken, or you may have unusual characters (please use words and numbers only). The name can be no longer than 50 characters and hey, obviously rude words won't cut the mustard (and probably would get you in trouble!).

What happens if my horse is scratched?

Sorry, bad luck - that's the way the cookie crumbles.

Can I get another entry then?

Sorry, as per above, numbers cannot be changed or reallocated.

Can an entrant get multiple entries?

Yes. You will need to click the box "Do you want to allow users to enter multiple times in this competition?"

Will everyone get my invite email?

We'd like to think so, but the fact is that a very small percentage will not. Strong firewalls or personal security settings on individual email accounts are just some of the reasons that it’s impossible for the system to get to absolutely everyone, but we do everything we can to allow for email delivery.

What happens if the email address is wrong, or if Frank in Accounting says he didn't get an invite to my CupSweep?

If the email address is wrong when it's entered, it won't work - we can't do anything about it. The same applies if the mailbox is inactive or even full. And if Frank says he didn't get it, tell him to check his junk mail folder. Or you can always delete Frank from your group, and then send it to him again.